Đăng nhập tài khoản ứng viên
Shinhan Bank is the flagship company of Shinhan Financial Group. As one of the top banks in Korea, Shinhan Bank compromises to provide services that meet customers’ expectation and create a unique banking experience for customers.
To offer a comprehensive range of financial services effectively, we segment our customers into 7 groups (Retail, PB, WM, SMEs, (Large) Corporate, IB segments) and pursue specialized business models. To satisfy customers’ financial needs with the top-class financial expertise, we have built a worldwide operation network.
Since the first representative office in Ho Chi Minh City opened in 1993, we have been continuously expanding our network to provide the best services to our customers. Until now, we have expanded to 18 branches/transaction offices nationwide. Together with this expansion, the number of Shinhan Bank customers in Vietnam has been increasing constantly.