Đăng nhập tài khoản ứng viên
OneStep Viet Co.,Limited (calls“OneStep”) is an Asian - wide supply chain company established since March 2005 Its licensed headquarter is located in HoChiMinh City, Vietnam and has the operations across the Southeast Asia markets (Vietnam–Laos–Cambodia–Thailand–Malaysia–Indonesia–Philippines–Myanmar) OneStep is set apart from other companies by ITs emphasis upon the factory remediation. •Identifying problems at a manufacturing site is not difficult. •Implementing sustainable solutions requires a different approach. •Helping factories make the real improvements necessary to qualify as viable sourcing options. All OneStep employees and OneStep’s authorized representative(s) are bound by a very strict internal Code of Ethic. No payment, gifts, fees, or compensation of any kids shall be made by your firm, employee or affiliates to any OneStep employees.