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Sprachcaffe: A Worldwide Organization of Language Schools
Sprachcaffe is now an international company which organizes a stay abroad for thousands of children, adults, professionals and other people each year. The language lessons are based on communication and the relaxed, enjoyable transfer of language knowledge and skills. For more than 30 years, people with a passion for languages from all over the world have been travelling with Sprachcaffe, experiencing exotic new countries, immersing themselves in foreign cultures and learning one of seven exciting languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese or Arabic at our wide range of 30 language schools in fantastic, carefully selected destinations around the world.
Sprachcaffe is recognized by many international organizations, including FIYTO (Federation of International Youth Travel Org.), ALTO (Association of Language Travel Organisations) and FDSV (Fachverband Deutscher Sprachreiseveranstalter). We are ISO- and DIN-certified and, in the various countries, accredited by the most prestigious institutions, including the British Council in Britain and the Instituto Cervantes in Spain.